
Welcome to the blog, I'm Brianne!

I am a wife, mama, and a professional photographer in Houston, Texas. I believe in love and kindness and try to share both of these through my photography! On here you can find my professional work, education resources, and some of my personal life!

about me

Dallas arboretum proposal This sweet and romantic SURPRISE proposal at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens was so joyful and I am so grateful that I got to be there to capture such an unforgettable moment for Jessica-Michelle and Michael! Michael had an elaborate proposal planned so while he and Jessica-Michelle were walking along the […]

Flippen Park ProposalI am so excited to share this super fun Flippen Park proposal on the blog! Usually brides are the ones to contact me first about engagement sessions or weddings, but I always have so much fun planning surprise proposals with the groom! Chad planned everything perfectly and Alli was totally surprised! There wasn’t […]

Dallas proposalThere is nothing more sweet and exciting than a surprise proposal!! Ben planned the cutest proposal for his girlfriend Kimberly and I had so much fun capturing part of their love story! Kimberly had no idea what was coming and it was so much fun capturing her surprise on camera! After Ben popped the […]

brianne johnson

florida wedding photographer

p h o t o g r a p h y